what we do – Community Pure Water
About Us

The need behind Community Pure Water

United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 6.1 recognizes the need for “universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all by 2030”. Drinking water sources for rural communities are distant and often contaminated with agricultural, industrial, and biological pollutants, causing debilitating waterborne diseases and adversely impacting health, productivity, schooling, and livelihoods. The burden of fetching water and tending to the sick falls predominantly upon women and girls, impeding their progress.

Community Pure Water has demonstrated that this can be remedied by treating the water at source, removing contaminants with existing technologies and attainable solutions. Over the last 14 years, Community Pure Water has installed Water Purification Centers (WPCs) in 500 villages and schools across 6 states in India, serving over 1,000,000 people safe drinking water. Access to purified drinking water unlocks equitable opportunities and sows the seeds of enduring prosperity within these rural communities.

Our work is sustainable

Community Pure Water works together with rural communities to Install, Operate and Maintain water purification centers, ensuring sustainable, reliable access to safe water day after day, year after year. Our IOM model ensures that plants remain operational for the long haul.


As part of our partnership, selected villages provide raw water, electrical connection, and structures to house the water purification center and Community Pure Water technicians install the purification equipment, train local operators, and arrange for regional technicians to support ongoing operation and maintenance.


Each plant is operated by a local community member, trained by Community Pure Water technicians. Rural communities support plant operations by purchasing water. A price of less than 35 paise or less half a cent per liter covers the center’s operation and maintenance costs, as well as the salaries of the local operators and regional technicians.


Our expert regional technical staff monitors the plant functioning and water quality every day and performs scheduled maintenance. With our robust network of equipment/parts warehouses, repairs and replacements can be made within 24 hours. Our 24/7 call-center ensures each WPC can access support to remain fully operational at all times.

Our five-stage filtration system removes 99% of contaminants from locally available groundwater

Click on each number / box to learn more.

Affordable, Accessible, Available

Our community partnerships, efficient, sustainable operating model and efficient installations ensure that safe water is made affordable, accessible and available 24/7.


On average, a family can buy purified water for less than 6 rupees (or 8 cents) to meet daily needs.


Our WPC's (Water Purification Centre) are situated at convenient locations for easy access.


Automated dispensing of safe water made available 24/7 usind RFID cards.